Reusable bags/totes - Love this new earth day 2020 one by Package Free Shop and this one is my favorite . Grocery stores like Whole Foods Market and Trader Joes have awesome reusable shopping bags that cost between $1-$2. I accumulated most of mine in the beginning of my sustainability journey when I would forget the one or two bags I did have, at home.
Produce bags and these and these or this bundle
Glass spice jars - buy your spices in bulk or opt to buy the spices in the glass containers vs. in plastic
Bag to store lettuce and other moisture-loving fruits + veggies for extended freshness
GSE or I use Theives fruit + veggie spray from Young living to clean my produce
Utilize the farmers market in your area! Not only is this a great way to support your local community by it also cuts back on your food miles, meaning when you buy from your local farmers your food is only traveling within the community you live, not some 1500 miles from a different state or country which is where a lot of the produce in our grocery stores comes from. Local food doesn't create a large carbon footprint because it doesn’t take a long haul truck or overseas plane to transport it. This cuts down on fuel consumption and air pollution. There also isn’t a need for shipping facilities, packing facilities or refrigeration.
A thought on buying pre-cut fruits, vegetables and prepackaged meals - So many of the choices we make when grocery shopping are about convenience. I get it, you have a million things on your plate, you’re running around from place to place, you’re working late nights etc. I understand that our lives ebb and flow and some months we have the capacity to practice sustainability with 100% effort and others, we struggle living our values. But I also believe that those sacrifices come at a cost, they’re costing us our planet. I’m a huge believer in getting back to nature, meaning - it’s important to rest, it’s important to set boundaries, it’s important to LIVE and part of living is appreciating the world around us - aka Mother Nature. Next time you reach for that pre-cut watermelon ask yourself, are you really too busy to cut one at home? What’s more important saving yourself 10 min or saving the planet?
bring your own silicone bag for meat and seafood. Before you start shopping head to the register and ask them to weigh your bag so that they can determine the tare weight for checking out.
opt to always choose the option not packaged in plastic.
FRUITS & VEGGIES - All grocery stores will have a selection of fruits and vegetables packaged in plastic for convenience, the easy switch you can make is opting not to buy those and instead select the same option that’s plastic free. Even if you don’t have your own produce bags just toss the items in the cart and give them a good wash when you get home. I don’t know how many times I see people putting bananas in plastic produce bags that is then put into a plastic shopping bag - nature literally created bananas, and oranges and avocados WITH skin that naturally protects them! So much of sustainable grocery shopping is just being aware of the habits that were instilled in you growing up in this society and then breaking them!
OILS, DRESSINGS, CONDIMENTS, NUT BUTTERS - There’s always going to be an option that is packaged in glass vs. plastic - choose glass.
FACT - glass can be recycled endlessly without losing quality or purity unlike most “recyclable” materials.
FRESH BREAD FROM THE BAKERY VS. ON THE SHELF - I know not all grocery stores bakery’s have the option to select your own from a case but if it does just toss the bread in your own reusable bag vs the bags they provide. Typically the bread from the bakery is going to have less ingredients, less fillers and over all is going to be the healthier option for you anyways. And like with so many food products I can almost guarantee there’s a local bakery in your city where you can pick up bread using your own bag - and brownie points, you’re also supporting a local business. win win win win win!
Things you can buy in bulk that people often grab in bags - nuts, flours, grains, legumes, granola, baking ingredients like chocolate chips, dried fruit.
Do less shopping in the middle isles because the majority of it is packaged in plastic. Stay to the outer edges of the grocery store for the fresh, whole foods - fruits, veggies, meat + dairy.
I love storing my cilantro or parsley by cutting the ends and sticking them in a glass jar in the fridge to optimize lifespan!