hey, I’m kalen
& I’m utterly enamored by our planet
and the human potential
“The beauty aRound you is dumbfounding.
If you will just be witness to it foR a moment
you will expeRience the most puRe foRm of
love you’ve eveR had.” - Zach bush
I’m Kalen. A human who cares deeply about creating with intention and purpose. I change and expand. My beliefs and thoughts and opinions, they grow and shift too. I’m a human, navigating this sacred human experience, which means honoring this one singular life that I have. It means I get to be whoever I want to be, and create whatever I want to create, whenever I want to to create it. I get to change my mind. I get to die a thousand creative deaths. And I get to be re-born again to dance in the discovery of what’s next. I’m a photographer, a calligrapher, a painter, an illustrator, a designer, a writer, a life long learner, a traveler, a daughter, a partner, a friend. I’m a wiener dog mom and a lover of morning coffee and really good food. I’m a HUMAN hell bent on saturating myself in LIFE! I am here to touch and taste and smell and listen and play in the magic of this playground we call earth. And hopefully, through my creative expression, I’m able to inspire others to take notice of the natural world that we are not separate from, but a part of.