a b o u t t h e
print shop
I’ll continue to keep up the images I feel called to. Whether that’s because they are well loved by
you or well loved by me. Some will fade out and others will take their place as my travels continue.
For you this means two things -
DON’T WAIT if your heart screams YES to an image that’s currently for purchase.
It might not be there next week, next month or next year. I have no idea.
OR, WAIT if your heart doesn’t scream yes to an image that’s currently for purchase.
I don’t want you to feel like you need anything I’m selling, because the truth is you don’t. I want you to
purchase a print because you can’t stop thinking about it. Because from the minute you saw it you
imagined it hanging in your entry, or your bedroom or your kitchen. I want you to be absolutely
obsessed with it. Because if you’re not, what’s the point?